
"Taking Zoguri has been a game-changer for me. It has transformed my sleep and energy levels, giving me great REM sleep and increased energy. Not only that, it has also helped increase my skeletal muscle mass. Zoguri has truly revitalized my overall well-being, making me feel stronger, more focused, and ready to conquer each day.​"  -A.B. Female, Age 37

"I am a 79-year-old woman and I am in awe at what Zoguri has done for me! This is my 4th month of taking it and here’s what I can tell you: My anxiety has decreased! My energy level is over the top…I’ve taken only 1 nap since I’ve been on it. My strength is incredible. I can open jars, snap my fingers, slice apples and do things with my hands that I’ve not done for years! I’m back to yoga. I’m beyond impressed with the results of Zoguri. I want to continue this “full of energy” feeling in my life. I will definitely continue taking this product…it’s been a real game changer." - B.R.  Female, Age 79 

In January I started experimenting with Zoguri and by the third day of taking this product I encountered my first solid bowel movement since my injury almost 3 years ago. It felt absolutely incredible considering we tried just about everything else and nothing worked. I avoided surgery! In addition to repairing my digestive track, my energy level and overall health is so much better. I can’t thank you enough for the best gift I have ever received for Christmas.​" - M.M.  Male, Age 56